Fellowship in Spanish Companies
Over 80 recent graduates of top U.S. universities have had the opportunity to acquire professional experience at Spanish companies belonging to our Board of Trustees.
The Fellowship Program in Spanish Companies has given young U.S. recent graduates, mainly in Engineering, Finance, Business Management and Administration and Law, the opportunity to acquire nine months of paid professional experience in prominent Spanish companies belonging to the Fundacion’s Board of Trustees, including Técnicas Reunidas, BBVA, CaixaBank, Banco Sabadell, Santander Group, Cuatrecasas, Viscofan, Iberdrola and Acciona, in addition to experiencing complete sociocultural immersion in Spain.
The program was launched in September 2007 and, after twelve editions and a total of 80 young participants from prestigious universities such as Stanford, Georgetown, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of California, University of Texas, New York University (NYU), Cornell University, University of Colorado, Johns Hopkins University and University of Illinois, among others, it is considered as among those having greatest direct impact on their participants.