Since its creation in 1997, the Fundación has become the leading institution for public diplomacy between Spain and the United States.
The Fundación Consejo España – EE.UU. was established on April 21, 1997 at the initiative of a group of diplomats and business figures. On the other side of the Atlantic, its counterpart, the United States-Spain Council, was established at the same time. Eight days later, at Georgetown University, these two institutions signed the document that links them together and defines them jointly as a civil society, independent, non-partisan initiative, intending to supplement action by the public administrations so as to enhance mutual understanding between our two countries.
Two years later, some 50 Spanish and U.S. political leaders, business figures, academics and senior officials met in Seville at the first US – Spain Forum, offering a new framework for discussion of key issues of concern to both countries, from trade flows and reciprocal investment to the benefits of Spain´s membership in the European Union, along with analysis of Spain’s image in the United States.
25 years later, the Fundación continues to facilitate the exchange of views on key topics in our bilateral agenda through its cultural programs, activities and projects, paying special attention to the U.S. community of Hispanic origin. The Fundación has not, however, been alone in this endeavor. The invaluable support of the public administration and the firm commitment by the participating corporations, institutions and individuals that have backed it throughout this quarter century have provided continuity and stability to this uncommon example of public-private cooperation, opening the way to others and amply demonstrating its value. This anniversary is the perfect time to take stock of this model’s success and celebrate the long duration of this joint effort, aimed at making all ties between the Spanish and U.S. civil societies smoother and more fruitful.